Welcome to Olivette Sustainability Advocates

Our mission is to promote sustainability efforts in Olivette, Missouri, through citizen education and community initiatives.

Join us! New members always welcome!

 Subscribe to Olivette Sustainability Advocates

What is Sustainability?

From the UN: Sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Simply put, sustainability is a way of living that meets the needs of humans without depleting or damaging our natural resources.  Sustainability supports ecological balance for the long-term health and existence of people and planet. 

"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."- Adapted from Wendell Berry

Treemendous Olivette!

Our April 11 event was a Treemendous success!

We distributed over 30 trees to the community, and donated 30 trees to Olivette Parks and Recreation.

Thank you to everyone who attended the educational program, picked up a native tree, and supported this effort!

Learn more about Treemendous Olivette!

Member Interest Survey

Please take this brief survey to let us know what sustainability topics are of interest to you.  

Join Olivette Sustainability Advocates!
Get involved and learn more about sustainability efforts in Olivette, MO and throughout the St. Louis region. 

Interested in learning more about Olivette Sustainability Advocates?  Send us an email.  We look forward to hearing from you!


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