What is Sustainability?

The United Nations (1987) defines sustainability as, "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." 

Human activity has led to increased greenhouse gas emissions, global climate change, and our current climate crisis.  Sustainability emphasizes strategies that promote the long-term survival and thriving of people and the planet. 

Sustainability Topics

*Energy Efficiency
*Emissions Reduction
*Conscientious Consumerism
*Local Food Production
*Green Infrastructure
*Clean and Renewable Energy Production
*Habitat Protection and Biodiversity
*Native Plants
*Stormwater Management and Rainscaping
*Walkable and Bikeable Communities
*Environmental Justice

And Much More!!

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Learn more about the work being done by the United Nations to promote and implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals provide "a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future" (UN, 2015).

Sustainable Development must address The Three E's:
Environment, Economy, and Equity

U.S. Department of Energy- Creating a Strategic Energy Plan

This guide to developing a strategic energy plan for cities and communities is created by the National Renewable Energy Lab in partnership with the US Dept. of Energy.  It outlines steps for communities to plan, measure, and reduce energy use and emissions.